Gray Treefrog Complex (Hyla chrysoscelis/versicolor)

Description: 1 - 2 inches. Although the name may imply that it is always gray, the Gray Treefrog Complex can actually change color from gray to green, tan, or brown. The back may have a random pattern of darker color. The inside of the thigh is yellowish in color, and the toes have large pads on the end that allow them to climb many surfaces.

The Gray Treefrog Complex represents two species in Iowa, Cope's Gray Treefrogs and Gray Treefrogs. The two species are identical in appearance, and can only be told apart by their DNA and their call. Cope's Gray Treefrogs have a faster, harsher call, while Gray Treefrogs have a slower, more melodic call. Observations depicted on the map are for those frogs that could not be confirmed to be one species or the other, due to a lack of DNA data, or audio vouchers.

Age in years of Most Recent Record
75+ 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

This map is generated from data provided by the Drake University Biodiversity Center, observations from, the Iowa DNR Natural Areas Inventory, as well as other sources. Please help us keep it up to date by reporting your sightings to HerpMapper.
